Differences between revisions 25 and 28 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 25 as of 2003-11-05 15:13:40
Size: 16850
Editor: Portland-249
Revision 28 as of 2003-11-05 15:44:34
Size: 17318
Editor: Portland-249
Comment: added preinstall info for floppies and notcat.conf
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 9: Line 9:
'''Booting using bf2.4 floppies and network install'''
 * download the boot floppies from:
 Debian Boot Floppies]
   * rescue.bin
   * root.bin
   * driver-1.bin
   * driver-2.bin
   * driver-3.bin
   * driver-4.bin

 * build boot floppies (from a linux system)
   * dd if="file.bin" of=/dev/fd0 bs=1024 conv=sync;sync

'''Installing the OS '''
Line 195: Line 210:
== nocat.cont== === /usr/local/nocat/nocat.conf ===

Here in will be the recipe needed to install a clean, effecient and viable build of Debian, NoCat and related apps to turn a NewCloneArmyBox into a powerfull node on the PTPnet

(These are rough notes taken by JeffWillard and DarrinEden from the actions of KeeganQuinn which will be hammered into a step by step recipe)


  • text surrounded by quotes " " are things you must type either at the prompt or in response to a questions

The Debian Install

Booting using bf2.4 floppies and network install

Installing the OS

  • at boot prompt: "bf24" (start 2.4 kernel vs. 2.2)
  • select Language and keyboard
  • hard disk (/dev/hda)
    • Create swap partition (128M)
    • Root partition --bootable (128Mb)
    • logical partition (.5 Gig)
    • 2nd logical partition (.5 Gig)
    • home (whatever is left over)
    • all FS type Linux exect swap which is linux swap

    • Init swap partition
    • init pri (ext3)
    • mount root filesystem
    • repeat above for var,usr,and home

  • kernel install
    • configure device drivers
    • (devices/net)
    • nic (de4x5)
  • configure network
  • make system bootable "mbr"
  • reboot
  • set time
  • set root pwd
  • remove pcmcia packages? "yes"
  • atp configuration "edit by hand"
  • run taskel? "no"
  • deselect? "no"
  • update configuration file? "yes"
  • Configuring debconf
    • select Readline
    • select medium
    • don't touch keymap
    • system wide readible directories? "yes"
    • serial "autosave once"
  • upgrade glibc? "Y"
  • update system? "yes"
  • mail config? "5"
  • mandb? "yes"
  • rebuild database? "yes"
  • erase any additional .deb files? "yes"
  • "apt-get update"
  • "apt-get install deborphan"
  • "deborphan"
  • "dbkp -P <all packages listed ---space in between>"

  • "deborphan -a"
  • "dpkg -P <all packages you don't want>"

  • "deborphan -a"
    • repeat several times to ensure all packages are removed that you don't want

The NoCat Install

  • "/sbin/ifconfig -a"BR

    • {{{ eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:C0:F0:17:74:F6
      • inet addr: Bcast:

        • Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:2092 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:1102 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:2 txqueuelen:100 RX bytes:2948521 (2.8 MiB) TX bytes:78364 (76.5 KiB) Interrupt:10 Base address:0xe880

      eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:00:F8:04:F2:9F
      • BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b) Interrupt:11 Base address:0xec00

      lo Link encap:Local Loopback
      • inet addr: Mask: UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b) }}}

  • "sudo su -"
    • {{{We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System Administrator. It usually boils down to these two things:
      • #1) Respect the privacy of others. #2) Think before you type.
  • "exit"
  • "logout"
  • "sudo -s"
  • "clear"
  • "apt-get install snmpd dnsmasq"
  • "apt-get install perl make gnupg"
  • "deborphan -a"
    • {{{main/admin sudo main/net ssh main/admin pciutils main/utils fileutils main/utils shellutils main/utils textutils main/utils gnupg main/net dnsmasq main/net snmpd main/base lilo main/net iptables main/devel make main/editors nvi main/admin deborphan}}}
  • "lynx http://www.nocat.net"

    • Download the nightly build of NoCatAuth

    • exit lynx
  • "tar xvfz NoCatAuth-nightly.tgz"

  • "apt-get install wget"
  • "wget http://rune.thebasement.org/~ice/tmp/stable-01.patch"

  • "apt-get install patch"
  • "patch -p1 < ../stable-01.patch"

  • "vi /etc/kernel-img.conf"
    • {{{ do_symlinks = No do_initrd = Yes postinst_hook = /sbin/update-grub postrm_hook = /sbin/update-grub do_bootloader = No}}}
  • "apt-get install kernel-image-2.4-K6"
  • "dpkg -P lilo"
  • "apt-get install grub"
  • "update-grub"
    • {{{Could not find /boot/grub/menu.lst file. Would you like /boot/grub/menu.lst generated for you? (y/N) "y" }}}
  • "update-grub"
  • reboot
  • "uname -a"
  • "sudo -s"
  • "apt-get install ssmtp"
    • Automatically overwrite config files? "y"
    • Who gets mail for userids < 1000? "dje"

    • Name of your mailhub? "mail.personaltelco.net"
    • What domain to masquerade as? "personaltelco.net"
    • Allow override of From: line in email header? "y"
  • "deborphan"
  • "dpkg -P libident libpcre3"
  • "deborphan"
  • "make gateway"
    • {{{ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
      • Congratulations!
      • NoCat gateway is installed. To start it, check /usr/local/nocat/nocat.conf, then run bin/gateway as root.

      • -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-}}}

Installing the PTPnet Node Files


###### gateway.conf -- NoCatAuth Gateway Configuration.
# Format of this file is: <Directive> <Value>, one per
#   line. Trailing and leading whitespace is ignored. Any
#   line beginning with a punctuation character is assumed to
#   be a comment.

###### General settings.
# See the bottom of this file for options for logging to syslog.
# Log verbosity -- 0 is (almost) no logging. 10 is log
#   everything. 5 is probably a safe middle road.
Verbosity       10

##### Gateway application settings.
# GatewayName -- The name of this gateway, to be optionally displayed
#   on the splash and status pages. Any short string of text will do.
GatewayName     Personal Telco Project

# GatewayMode -- Determines the mode of operation of the gateway. Possible
#   values are:
#   Captive     - Allow authentication against an auth service. LEGACY.
#   Passive     - Like Captive, but YOU MUST USE THIS if your gateway 
#                   is behind a NAT. Will work anyway if not. *RECOMMENDED*.
#   Open        - Simply require a user to view a splash page and accept 
#                   a use agreement.
# If Captive or Passive Mode is set, you will need to have values set for
#   AuthServiceAddr, AuthServiceURL, and LogoutURL. You will want to leave a
#   short value for LoginTimeout (probably <600).
# If Open Mode is set, you will need to have values set for SplashForm,
#   HomePage, and possibly DocumentRoot (or provide an absolute path for
#   SplashForm).  Also, you will want to set a large value for LoginTimeout
#   (probably >3600).
GatewayMode     Open

# GatewayLog -- Optional.  If unset, messages will go to STDERR.
GatewayLog      /var/log/nocat.log

# LoginTimeout - Number of seconds after a client's last
#   login/renewal to terminate their connection. Probably
#   don't want to set this to less than 60 or a lot of 
#   bandwidth is likely to get consumed by the client's
#   renewal attempts. Defaults to 300 seconds.
# For Captive Mode, you want to set this to something
#   fairly short (like 10 minutes) to prevent connection
#   spoofing.  
# LoginTimeout  600

# For Open Mode portals, you probably want to comment out
#   the preceding and set LoginTimeout to 
#   something large (like 86400, for one notification
#   per day).
LoginTimeout    86400

###### Open Portal settings.
# HomePage -- The authservice's notion of a default
#   redirect.
HomePage        http://personaltelco.net/

# DocumentRoot -- Where all of the application templates (including
#   SplashPage) are hiding. Can be different from Apache's DocumentRoot.
DocumentRoot    /usr/local/nocat/htdocs

# SplashForm -- Form displayed to users on capture.
SplashForm      splash.html

# StatusForm -- Page displaying status of logged in users.
StatusForm      status.html

###### Active/Passive Portal settings.
# TrustedGroups - A list of groups registered with the auth server
#   that a user may claim membership in order to gain Member-class
#   access through this portal. The default magic value "Any" indicates
#   that a member of *any* group is granted member-class access from
#   this gateway.
# TrustedGroups NoCat NYCWireless PersonalTelco
TrustedGroups Any

# Owners - Optional.  List all local "owner" class users here, separated 
#   by spaces.  Owners typically get full bandwidth, and unrestricted
#   access to all network resources.
# Owners rob@nocat.net schuyler@nocat.net

# AuthServiceAddr - Required, for captive mode. Must be set to the address of
#   your authentication service. You must use an IP address
#   if DNS resolution isn't available at gateway startup.
# AuthServiceAddr
#AuthServiceAddr        auth.nocat.net

# AuthServiceURL - HTTPS URL to the login script at the authservice. 
#AuthServiceURL  https://$AuthServiceAddr/cgi-bin/login

# LogoutURL - HTTP URL to redirect user after logout.
LogoutURL       https://$AuthServiceAddr/logout.html

### Network Topology
# ExternalDevice - Required if and only if NoCatAuth can't figure it out
#   from looking at your routing tables and picking the interface
#   that carries the default route. Must be set to the interface
#   connected to the Internet. Usually 'eth0' or 'eth1'
#   under Linux, or maybe even 'ppp0' if you're running
#   PPP or PPPoE.
ExternalDevice  eth0

# InternalDevice - Required if and only if you have ethernet devices
#   on your gateway besides your wireless device and your 'Net connection.
#   Must be set to the interface connected to your local network, normally
#   your wireless card. In Linux, some wireless devices are named 'wvlan0'
#   or 'wlan0' rather than 'ethX'.
InternalDevice  br0

# LocalNetwork - Required if and only if NoCatAuth can't figure out
#   the network address of your local (probably wireless) network,
#   given your InternalDevice(s). Must be set to the network
#   address and net mask of your internal network. You
#   can use the number of bits in the netmask (e.g. /16, /24, etc.)
#   or the full x.x.x.x specification.
# LocalNetwork

# DNSAddr - Optional. *If* you choose not to run DNS on your internal network,
#   specify the address(es) of one or more domain name server on the Internet
#   that wireless clients can use to get out. Should be the same DNS that your
#   DHCP server hands out. If left blank, NoCatAuth will presume that you
#   want to use whatever nameservers are listed in /etc/resolv.conf.
# DNSAddr 111.222.333.444

# AllowedWebHosts - Optional.  List any domains that you would like to
#   allow web access (TCP port 80 and 443) BEFORE logging in (this is the
#   pre-'skip' stage, so be careful about what you allow.)
# AllowedWebHosts       nocat.net

# RouteOnly - Required only if you DO NOT want your gateway to act as a NAT. 
#   Uncomment this only if you're running a strictly routed network, and
#   don't need the gateway to enable NAT for you.
# RouteOnly     1

# IgnoreMAC - Set this if and only if the NoCat gateway isn't directly
#   connected (or bridged at Layer 2) to your internal (usually wireless)
#   network. In that event, the gateway won't be able to match clients based
#   on MAC address, and will fall back to using IPs only. This is 
#   theoretically less secure, as IP addresses are usually easier to spoof
#   than MAC addresses, so don't use this unless you know what you're doing.
# IgnoreMAC     1

# MembersOnly - Optional.  Uncomment this if you want to disable public
#   access (i.e. unauthenticated 'skip' button access).  You'll also want to
#   point AuthServiceURL somewhere that doesn't include a skip button (like
#   at your own Auth server.)
# MembersOnly   1

# IncludePorts - Optional.  Specify TCP ports to allow access to when 
#   public class users login.  All others will be denied.
#   For a list of common services and their respective port numbers, see 
#   your /etc/services file. Depending on your firewall, you might even
#   be able to specify said services here, instead of using port numbers.
# IncludePorts    22 80 443

# ExcludePorts - Optional.  Specify TCP ports to denied access to when
#   public class users login.  All others will be allowed.
#   Note that you should use either IncludePorts or ExcludePorts, but not
#   both.  If neither is specified, access is granted to all ports to
#   public class users.
#   You should *always* exclude port 25, unless you want to run an portal
#   for wanton spam sending. Users should have their own way of sending
#   mail. It sucks, but that's the way it is. Comment this out *only if*
#   you're using IncludePorts instead.
# ExcludePorts 23 25 111
ExcludePorts    25

####### Syslog Options -- alter these only if you want NoCat to log to the
#        system log!
# Log Facility - syslog or internal.  Internal sends log messages
#    using the GatewayLog or STDERR if GatewayLog is unset.  Syslog
#    sends all messages to the system log.
# LogFacility   internal

# SyslogSocket - inet or unix.  Inet connects to an inet socket returned
#    by getsrvbyname().  Unix connects to a unix domain socket returned by 
#    _PATH_LOG in syslog.ph (typically /dev/log).  Defaults to unix.
# SyslogSocket unix

# SyslogOptions - Zero or more of the words pid, ndelay, cons, nowait
#    Defaults to "cons,pid". 
# SyslogOptions cons,pid

# SyslogPriority - The syslog class of message to use:  In decreasing importance,
#    the typical priorities are EMERG, ALERT, CRIT, ERR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, 
#    and DEBUG.  Defaults to INFO.
# SyslogPriority INFO

# SyslogFacility - The facility used to log messages.  Defaults to user.
# SyslogFacility user

# SyslogIdent - The ident of the program that is calling syslog.  This will
#    be prepended to every log entry made by NoCat.  Defaults to NoCat.
# SyslogIdent NoCat

###### Other Common Gateway Options. (stuff you probably won't have to change)
# ResetCmd, PermitCmd, DenyCmd -- Shell commands to reset,
#   open and close the firewall. You probably don't need to
#   change these.
# ResetCmd      initialize.fw
# PermitCmd     access.fw permit $MAC $IP $Class 
# DenyCmd       access.fw deny $MAC $IP $Class 

# GatewayPort - The TCP port to bind the gateway 
#   service to. 5280 is de-facto standard for NoCatAuth.
#   Change this only if you absolutely need to.
# GatewayPort     5280

# PGPKeyPath -- The directory in which PGP keys are stored.
#   NoCat tries to find this in the pgp/ directory above
#   the bin/ parent directory. Set this only if you put it
#   somewhere that NoCat doesn't expect.
# PGPKeyPath    /usr/local/nocat/pgp

# MessageVerify -- Shell command to verify a PGP signed
#   message. The actual message is delivered to the
#   command's standard input. NoCat tries to find gpg
#   and gpgv in your path. Set these only if you need to find 
#   them elsewhere.
# GpgvPath      /usr/bin/gpgv
# MessageVerify $GpgvPath --homedir=$PGPKeyPath 2>/dev/null

# IdleTimeout -- How often to check the ARP cache, in seconds,
#   for expiration of idle clients.
# MaxMissedARP -- How many times a client can be missing from
#   the ARP cache before we assume they've gone away, and log them
#   out. Set to 0 to disable logout based on ARP cache expiration.
# MaxMissedARP  2
# IdleTimeout   300

### Fin!   

(soon to be)


  • Why unstable?
  • Why wouldn't this just be installed once, then imaged?

NewCloneArmyInstallMethodology (last edited 2007-11-23 18:01:02 by localhost)