When you have the best thing going it's always nice to make snide comments about everyone else. :-)

However there is a real problem: there are only two browsers which support full CSS functionality. [http://www.mozilla.org/ Mozilla] and Internet Explorer for the Macintosh. [http://www.opera.com/ Opera] and Konqueror are better than Internet Explorer for Windows but still have their own quirks, at least with our new web site.

Of course it goes with out saying a REAL browser begins and ends with LINKS, either the [http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~clock/twibright/links/ old], the [http://links.sourceforge.net/links-lua/ El-LUA offshoot] or the new best RealBrowser of all time [http://xray.sai.msu.ru/~karpov/links-hacked/ LINKS HACKED]

[CategoryPropaganda] IS this real?