June Monthly Meeting
When and Where
Urban Grind Coffee 2214 NE Oregon St. (take 22nd Ave. 2 blocks North of Sandy Blvd.)
Wednesday, June 29th, 6pm-9pm
- 6:00PM - Introduction to Personal Telco for new comers
- 6:30PM - Announcements
- 6:45PM - Mississippi Slide Show
- 7:00PM - Business followed by informal meet and greet.
Agenda Items
- Last call for:
- Nominations for president
- Membership in time to vote in election
- Review process leading up to election on July 27th
Notes for June PersonalTelco meeting Scribe: Sam Churchill
6:30p: Darrin Eden - Opens June meeting, welcomes everyone. About 40 people on this sunny afternoon. Hands off to Nigel Ballard for introduction
6:40pm: Nigel Ballard - "Today was an interesting day for wireless in Portland, says Nigel Ballard. Today the City of Portland approved a wireless cloud RFP. The "grid" would include all of downtown Portland and include all of the city at some point. Nigel says Walled Garden resource sites would include the airport, trimet, schools, colleges, foodbank, library and other sites.
6:45pm: Nigel asks for new people in the group to introduce themselves. A video crew from www.Siliconslackers.com is here tonight doing taping for a segment in future programs.
6:50pm: Darrin Eden says Christian Science Monitor also did a story on PTP. Check it out.
- - Today is the last day you can sign up to be a member in time to vote for PTP President next month. You have to be a member to vote for new officers ...and new officers are elected next month. So the opportunity for voting ends tonight. Robert Peterson has the membership forms. - Darrin opens the floor for people to discuss interesting projects. The Mississippi Project is the big project. Darrin asks for hands of people doing work on the Mississippi Project. About 20 hands go up. Aaron Baer says everything on top of the NARA building is installed. That includes the Metrix boxes and a Cisco AP.
Another remote is up on the roof near the Amnesia Brewing company. The advanced routing isn't set up, yet. And new MadWiFi drivers need to be installed to provide bridging of traffic between nodes. Some of those things will get cleared up in the coming weeks. Aaron says it's progressing well. The other Aaron (Aaron Johnson) says it would help to have a more standardized time/place for organized activities. When it changes week to week, it's hard to keep track if your not on the mailing list. Michael Weinburg says weather was the major problem this month. It's been raining, frequency, and difficult to plan ahead. Don Park says it's been fun because it's a big enough project to involved alot of people, and working together with both veterans and new volunteers has been really nice.
7:00pm: Michael Weinburg has a slide show about the Mississippi Project. About a dozen slides. Pictures show people and equipment on various roofs and explains what has happening on each rooftop. Very exciting. Lots of enthusiasm.
- Michael says that what will be needed the next month or two will be volunteers to canvass the neighborhood and talk to people about the network, what it does and how people can use it. Lots of applause.
7:30pm: Darrin calls meeting finished.